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"Thank you very much, once again, for kindly hosting this tour, we really

appreciate it!!!"

Mari de Villiers

IAIAsa Western Cape Chairman

“Many thanks for the delivery, beautiful plants, driver let me peep in truck and saw the quality, WOW“

Brenda Everton

Yates Landscaping

"Alles 100% baie dankie. 

Die plante is 1ste klas en pragtig."


Sunset Splendour Guesthouse

"Plants are great. thanks!!"

Justin Ravenscroft

Longmans Landscaping

"Baie dankie vir die leersame dag. Ek het so baie geleer uit Tania en Panda se praatjie."

Wilma Erasmus

Stepping Stones

"A big thank you for adding to the success of our Down to Earth Garden meeting for May. You always manage to pass on your enthusiasm for plants! So great of you to share your knowledge."

Down to Earth Garden Club

"Thank you for a well planned, fun filled trip and congratulations to all the Elands staff on a very well organized Open Day. 


For me especially it was great to finally meet the people I deal with over the phone and be able to put faces to the names.  Please also thank Kay for taking the time on a very busy day to take us through the nursery and explain how everything works." 

Lucindi van der Merwe

Pretty Gardens

"Thank you for an absolutely AWESOME Trade Day!   Everything was perfect……. the weather, the guest speaker, the hospitality and the great vibe!


The bus trip was entertaining, excellent driver!   Thank you for the padkos, the Blackberry and a thoroughly enjoyable day."

Liz Bunnett

Penhill Nursery

"Baie dankie vir die mooi, pragtige gesonde plante.

Dit word waardeur."



Before I place my order I must just tell you that your plants are by far my favourite - quality is always so great and I honestly wish you guys were closer so I could get all my plants from you!!!!  I had to do a few orders for this big project I am busy with and none of the plants were even close to the quality of yours - even my staff noticed and passed comments!!!

Dan Day

The Garden Girl

“On behalf of myself and  staff  I would like to thank you for a wonderfully peaceful and informative day…. The Nursery walk was so interesting and informative ….”

Debbie Bataille

Berco Indoor Gardens

"...Well done on an excellent day today.  Your nursery is looking stunning..."

Les and Sharon

Garden Art

"I really think you did an amazing job of your Open Day and I think everything was superb!"

Lee and Mark Morgutti

Reconnection Retreat

“...  thank you for delivering such beautiful stock… our teams couldn’t wait to put it into the nursery and start selling it!”


Keith Kirsten

“On behalf of myself and  staff  I would like to thank you for a wonderfully peaceful and informative day…. The Nursery walk was so interesting and informative.”

Debbie Bataille

Berco Indoor Gardens

"Well done on an excellent day today.  Your nursery is looking stunning."

Les and Sharon

Garden Art

"Thank you for the delivery of plants this morning. Plants looking great ."



"Thank you for the good quality and your friendly staff members."

Sikhumbule Loliwe

Builders Express Worcester

Growing into the future
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